Technically Speaking

Rex Dixon – Professional BlogCaster


Posted by rexdixon on December 12, 2006

Gotuit, is launching today, Tuesday. They are an online social video tagging service. Since YouTube leads the pack, and they have their new TestTube Lab thing going on, 3gotoit_logo.jpgyou have to be an actual innovator to play in the video game these days. Unlike traditional social networking, where you can set one up and it’s sure to probably succeed for awhile, with video you must be innovating.

Contextual cutting and tagging is Gotuit’s innovation or maybe twist and focus is a better term to use. Interesting note is that Gotuit has 6 patents in the video industry. Technically Speaking, the TC article linked above explains it pretty well and if you are into vid’s, you should read it and check this new site out.

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