Technically Speaking

Rex Dixon – Professional BlogCaster

*Interview with Ross Levinsohn*

Posted by rexdixon on December 3, 2006

Near the middle of last month, Ross Levinsohn departed from a successful run over at Fox Interactive Media. The online world was buzzing with speculation, as well as flat out false statements. Just the other day, I posted a link to such a video where a person went on video camera for a site stating some things about Ross. This Ross Levinsohnperson made these statements (maybe half-joking on his part) with the full knowledge that the possibility existed of the reporter putting the video online for the world to see.

At that point, I had enough of the speculation and rumors and went straight to the source – Ross Levinsohn. Below you will read the traditional 5 quick hit question interview with Ross Levinsohn, the same that I do for all people that would like to be interviewed to spread the truth such as Alex Chizhik – Co-Founder and COO of Planypus did earlier today. I am very glad that Ross took the time out of his day to respond to these, and without further delay, here it is:

Q1: Ross, I want to thank you for your time in doing this 5 question interview. How has your life been since you left Fox Interactive Media recently and can you expand a bit on how you feel about people just talking about you at parties in front of a video camera without asking you first?

RL: Unemployment has its upside. Most important — I’m getting to know my family again. FIM was a 24 hour a day job, and you miss part of your life. I’m also getting to meet some really interesting people who have reached out to me. It’s such a transitional time in the media business, that everyone seems to want to find the secret key.

As far as people talking, I do wish that so-called “journalists” had some facts to back up ludicrous statements like the one you’re referring to. The blog chatter it ignited was unfortunate given supporting material.

Q2: I have read that you have been “reported” as to be looking for a new start up company to head up. Have you made that short list yet on companies you would like to be involved with?

RL: I’ve now headed four start-up type ventures — Sportsline, Alta Vista’s portal division, re-building and FIM. All were quite different and challenging. There are a few companies I really like and may try to help in an official or unofficial capacity. I really like helping and guiding creators. It’s gratifying. I also believe there are some outstanding brands in the media business that haven’t taken full advantage of their position. That too is an opportunity.

Q3: What gets Ross Levinsohn fired up, or basically what is your passion as far as business goes?

RL: Creating, strategizing and working with great people. Whatever I do next will include all three. I really like “change”. Some people fear it. To me, it opens up opportunities. I also like learning. Rupert Murdoch and Peter Chernin (my bosses at News Corp) taught me every time I spoke to them.

Q4: Would you consider just saying, “the heck with business” and just go about investing and living off the money you have already earned? More like would you just consider traveling, and generally enjoying life as a person who is in early retirement?

RL: I’m too young to retire and play golf (although I’d like to play a little more). I’d like to find a balance though in whatever I do next.

Q5: Final question time. What would you like the readers of Technically Speaking to know that hasn’t been covered by my first four questions?

RL: To me the secret of the business is to defy convention. Fear of taking a risk is what stunts growth. Don’t be afraid to fail. Most people I try to hire or work with aren’t afraid to fail, and that makes them better. We all learn from that. Watching the creativity that’s in the market is astounding and is why the dynamics of the business are changing so rapidly. The change in the next 3 years will make what happened in the last 10 look paltry.

Technically Speaking, I want to thank Ross Levinsohn for taking the time to answer these questions I presented to him early in the morning, and I hope he has time to hit the golf course today!


8 Responses to “*Interview with Ross Levinsohn*”

  1. Jeff Fliss said

    Ross is a smart guy, who probably left at the right time. Seems like he can do almost anything he choses. Right on

  2. […] Rex Dixon talks to Ross Levinsohn, former CEO of Fox Interactive, and what he has been upto since leaving FIM. […]

  3. Great person to interview – I’d be curious to hear his thoughts about the politics behind FOX and if he thinks the talk is hype or if FOX really is just a talking bobble-head for extreme right-wingists.
    Probably better you didn’t ask that though – haha ;>

  4. Rex ‘my Technically Speaking Protégé’,

    It sounds like Mr. Levinsohn would be someone I need to talk to about learning to play Business Golf, since he claims he can’t find the time to play regular golf…. Maybe he would want to join me as my sponsor or agent of my Tour across America this Spring thru the Fall for the How To Play Business Golf Seminar/Workshop… I can guarantee it would take his mind off being unemployed.

    Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf. Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful of a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.

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    Good article.

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