Technically Speaking

Rex Dixon – Professional BlogCaster

Panama by Yahoo

Posted by rexdixon on December 13, 2006

I am such a geek. When I say “Panama” I still picture and hear the song by Van Halen; the “real” Van Halen with DLR of course.

Now what Yahoo has cooking could be very well the dawn of a new statistics age for the internet. Something that Rex Dixon has been stating all the time – better statistics. Here is an excerpt from their press release:

Yahoo!’s new search marketing platform now provides a streamlined, user-friendly sign-up process that allows businesses to create a sponsored search account in five easy steps. Once in, advertisers can quickly create campaigns, determine their desired position, understand their potential share of available clicks, set their budgets, and then see their ads online within minutes. In addition, Yahoo!’s new ad testing and optimization features allow advertisers to easily test their creative options and manage their campaigns to the goals they have for return on investment.

One Response to “Panama by Yahoo”

  1. OH Yaw, Good ol DLR….’Reach Down between my legs…to ease the set back…Panama!’ I wonder if Yahoo search marketing platform will be around as ong as DLR? Sounds like a Web 2.0 service that is needed…just not sure Yahoo is the way to go with all of their infrustructure changes and operations with no leadership. Oh well, Panama!

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