Technically Speaking

Rex Dixon – Professional BlogCaster

Facebook worth $8 Billion?

Posted by rexdixon on December 15, 2006

Now we know. We know what Mark Zuckerberg was waiting for. We all know that the paltry $1 Billion that Yahoo was offering wasn’t worth the $8 Billion that Facebook is worth. I think that Facebook had it’s 15 minutes. If Facebook was ever worth that much money, then they would have theoretically have been bigger then MySpace. They never were.

Where does Facebook go now? IPO? Sell at a lower then $8 Billion price. Technically Speaking, they really need to get a reality check.  I can tell you that $8 Billion is out of the question, $1 Billion is even stretching it.

One Response to “Facebook worth $8 Billion?”

  1. I wonder if the founders of these companies really planned on building virtual empires like this that end up worth billions or if they were just doing something they thought they would enjoy which later turned out to be worth so much.

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